- Owner | Visual Notetaker
- Veo Veo Design
Argentinian-born Constanza Segovia is the creative director of VEO VEO, a bilingual design and visual note-taking practice focused on using visual communication as a tool to address issues of equity, social justice, and access to the arts. In the past, she has worked as a senior designer in a branding and strategy studio co:lab, and as adjunct faculty of design and drawing at Trinity College and Tunxis Community College. These days, most of her time is focused on movement work for immigrant rights. She helped start the Hartford Deportation Defense collective, and serves on statewide committees with the Connecticut Bail Fund, the Connecticut Immigrant Rights Alliance, and New Haven’s Universal Representation Pilot Project. Most recently, she has partnered with the Greater Hartford Family Advocacy Center’s Project H.O.P.E. and is responsible for culturally sensitive community outreach for immigrants and refugees who have been victims of sexual abuse and/or domestic violence. During the COVID19 pandemic, she helped fund and co-direct the Mutual Aid Hartford network.